sacramento train senior pictures girl holding on to train handle

Senior Portraits

A Step Forward
cohs graduate hiding behind diploma


High School . College

It's your day...

Be present, in the moment, let me capture the day for you.

You've got enough details to worry about when it comes to the senior year. I'm a mom, and have 4 kids, I know the planning, stress and details that can quickly become overwhelming during this time. Take one thing off you plate...let a professional handle getting the pictures done.

Take a breath and enjoy the moment. Really see and appreciate where you are. Allow yourself to just be present in the moment.

Whether it is a dance, party, graduation, senior pics, or all of the above, I've got you covered.

white cap and gown in a golden field
golden hour senior pic looking to distance in elk grove
black and white cowboy senior pictures
exchange student on a train senior
holden hour senior pics dirt road and field
sacramento senior in black with park in the background
rose garden senior girl with long hair
mckinley park senior in white top
elk grove senior in green top and white pants
farm senior in the eucalyptus trees